Velux Lab

Location: Milano
Designer: Atelier 2 Studio - Imperadori Ing. Marco, Gallotti Arch. Valentina
Year: 2011

VELUXlab is the first Italian NZEB (Nearly Zero Energy Building) with "almost zero energy"  within a university campus. The intervention we carried out saw the recovery of the building previously located within the Milan fairgrounds and its subsequent relocation within the university campus. The project was carried out with the aim of reducing the environmental impact as much as possible thanks to the use of easily recyclable wood or synthetic matrix insulating materials, panels for the external coating of recycled glass fiber, crumbled polystyrene deriving from the shredded scraps of the processes for filling the cavities and reused iroko wood for external flooring. The use of these materials contributes to the reduction of the environmental impact of the building during its entire life cycle. In fact, we remind you that the dry construction technology allows you to easily disassemble and recycle all the components of the building, achieving considerable energy and acoustic performance. VELUXlab represents a prototype for new buildings, entering the future panorama of "almost zero energy" buildings envisaged from 2020 by the European Directive 2010/31/EU.

Tag:  construction of dry worksconstruction of energy-efficient buildingsdry system - Internet Partner
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